Music Foundation on Social Media
The Music Foundation launches on 30th September and you can find out more about this exciting project here. You can keep up to date with all of the Foundation activities by following them on Social Media below!
Cathedral appoints first Music Animateur
The Dean & Chapter are delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Kilby as the first Music Animateur here at the Cathedral. An animateur is a musician whose role is to engage audiences, bringing music to life beyond what might be expected in a traditional performance. An important part of this new role will be … Continued
Llandaff Cathedral Choir in Concert
Tickets are now on sale for the Cathedral Choir’s concert Summer Serenade, to take place in the Cathedral at 7.00pm on Wednesday 12th July. The concert will last approximately an hour-and-a-quarter and run without an interval, with a licensed bar before and after the event, making it a great chance to get together. The Choir will sing … Continued
New Chief Operating Officer Appointed
The Dean & Chapter are delighted to announce the appointment of Geraint Hywel Williams as the Cathedral’s Chief Operating Officer. Geraint read Law at the University of Manchester and the Université de Bourgogne before joining HSBC’s graduate scheme, working in West Wales, Cardiff and London. Having been a Policy Adviser to The Law Society of England and … Continued
Llandaff Cathedral Festival – 4th to 9th July 2023
This year’s Llandaff Cathedral Festival is less than a month away! Highlights include Rowan Williams in conversation with the Rev’d Jordan Hillebert, Late Night Jazz in the Lady Chapel, a Cymanfa Ganu and a Night at the Opera featuring the Festival Chorus conducted by Stephen Moore. Click below to view all the events and book … Continued
10th Anniversary Summer Organ Recitals – Charles Francis
Christian Aid Week 2023
Christian Aid Week starts on Sunday 14th May. We are pleased to welcome Andrew Sully, Interim Director of Christian Aid Wales to our 9.00am and 11.00am Services on that day to preach. There will be retiring collections for Christian Aid on Sunday 14th and also on that day from 9.45am a ‘Christian Aid Big Brekkie’ in Prebendal House. … Continued
Annual Vestry Meeting 2023
This year’s Annual Vestry Meeting for the Cathedral Ministry Area takes place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 26th April in the Nave of the Cathedral. At this meeting, there will be an appointment of a new Churchwarden by the Dean, while an election will take place for a Churchwarden and members of the Llandaff Cathedral Community … Continued
Holy Week & Easter 2023
Join us this Holy Week as we welcome the Rev’d Canon Dr Ellen Loudon as our guest preacher. Ellen is Canon Chancellor at Liverpool Cathedral and has responsibility for social justice in the Diocese of Liverpool. She is the editor of the book 12 Rules for Christian Activists – our Dean, Father Richard, contributed a … Continued