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The celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is the principal act of worship in the Cathedral Community. Visitors to the Cathedral are very warmly welcomed to any of the services, and to make themselves known to the clergy if they wish. All services are subject to change so please check below for up to date information:

8.00am Holy Eucharist [1984]

At the Eucharist the Church remembers Jesus’ last supper where he gave bread and wine to be his body and blood, a sign of his saving love.

This service is celebrated in the Cathedral nave using the rite set out in the 1984 edition of The Book of Common Prayer.

9.00am Holy Eucharist

This all-age service is a lively and well-attended act of collective worship, particularly suitable for families with young children. Each week during term-time we welcome over 100 children to our Sunday School.

Tea, coffee and toast are served in Prebendal House after the service which is an ideal opportunity for visitors or new worshippers to meet with the clergy, Cathedral staff and other parishioners.

11.00am Choral Eucharist

Since earliest Christian times the word Eucharist, which comes from the Greek word for ‘thanksgiving’, has been used to describe the sacrament that Jesus Christ instituted at the last supper. In faithfulness to our Lord’s instruction to ‘do this in remembrance of me’ the Eucharist was accordingly regarded as an essential part of worship in the early church and today it remains the central liturgical activity of the baptised.

The liturgy of this solemn service is enhanced through the music offered by the Cathedral Choir, or visiting choirs during school holidays.

Refreshments are served in the Cathedral after the service. Visitors and new worshippers are particularly welcome to join us and take the opportunity to meet the clergy and other parishioners.

Incense is used at this Service

4.00pm Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong is offered at the Cathedral at 4.00pm on Sundays. The service follows the custom of churches with a great Choral tradition, where much of the service is sung by the Cathedral Choir, or visiting choirs on occasion. It provides a space for prayer, reflection and thanksgiving.

A group of warm glowing candles on black background

6.00pm Taizé

Once a month we offer a Taizé Prayer. This is a candle-lit contemplative service which incorporates readings, silence, and the beautiful music of the Taizé community. It lasts around 40 minutes. To learn more about the Taizé community go to www.taize.fr

The next service is on Sunday 20th October.

Sunday event calendar

Sunday 27th October